- Anticapitalist
- Labor, organizing
- The worker’s mind
- Pastiche, irony, mash-up
- Signs, symbols, signifiers, power, self-reflexivity

Trendy Trends (Bluestockings, paperback critical theory)
- Archives
- Plastic Surgery
- Mutation
- Trashworld
- Death Space
- Utopia / Dystopia
- Digital Naturalism, Embodied Energy (The Living), Dark Ecology (Morton, Hyperobjects)
- Infrastructure (Easterling, Burrington, Bratton, LeCavalier)
- Forensics (Weizman, Kurgan, SITU)
Underlying Trends
- Cybernetics
- Communal ritual, the public, sharing
- Trans theory
- Postcolonial theory
- Extraterritoriality (the “extra”, the in-between, the Agambian exception, informal urbanism)
- Disability
- Mel Chen (thinking non-human, affect theory, plant / animal consciousness)
Plastic Surgery: Transhumanism and the Antimaterialist Biopolitics of Korean Fame
Simulated Energy: Objects of Subsistence in MMORPGS
Bumpytown: A Not-So-Seamless Proposal for a De-Lubricated Urbanism
Amazon's Junkyard: Recycling Bins, Hard Drives, and America's Search for a Digital Ecology"
Forensic Amusement: The Necropolitics of Disneyland's Economic Model
Simulacra and Synthesizers: Accelerationist Pop Music and the Cyberlibertarianism of Spotify"
The Rhizome and the Ruin: Frontiers of Fetish Photography
Anime Archives: Informal DVD Economies in Post-Nuclear Fukushima
Microchip Erotics: Postcolonialism and the Landscape of Raw Materials
She Left Me on Read/Red: "Ghosting", Youth Culture, and a Marxist Reimagining of Digital Gender Performance
Barcode Popularity Contest: Queering the Epistemology of Commodity-Identity
Billboards and Black Metal Theory: Alternative Analogs to Advertising
Deconstruction:Infantilization, or, how we went from Derrida to "Daddy"
Simulated Energy: Objects of Subsistence in MMORPGS
Bumpytown: A Not-So-Seamless Proposal for a De-Lubricated Urbanism
Amazon's Junkyard: Recycling Bins, Hard Drives, and America's Search for a Digital Ecology"
Forensic Amusement: The Necropolitics of Disneyland's Economic Model
Simulacra and Synthesizers: Accelerationist Pop Music and the Cyberlibertarianism of Spotify"
The Rhizome and the Ruin: Frontiers of Fetish Photography
Anime Archives: Informal DVD Economies in Post-Nuclear Fukushima
Microchip Erotics: Postcolonialism and the Landscape of Raw Materials
She Left Me on Read/Red: "Ghosting", Youth Culture, and a Marxist Reimagining of Digital Gender Performance
Barcode Popularity Contest: Queering the Epistemology of Commodity-Identity
Billboards and Black Metal Theory: Alternative Analogs to Advertising
Deconstruction:Infantilization, or, how we went from Derrida to "Daddy"